Saturday, July 28

Invisible Studio 100 Posts

Only nine months since Invisible Studio's inception and we've reached 100 Posts already. Thats on average a post roughly every 3 days, or 2 to 3 posts a week. This is a great milestone for Invisible Studio, and furthermore, myself. I have proven to myself that I can really work on and stick to something I'm passionate about. Most importantly, thank you. I am so grateful to everyone who reads this blog. It means that I'm not the only person who finds the things I talk about meaningful. I love learning about game design and finding things every day that teach me even about one little aspect towards creating great games. And I love sharing these things with you. I also want to thank David Mcmahon who helped me get my start with helpful blog tips and a weekly mention in his blog awards. Lastly, thanks to blogger which has a very streamlined posting and management interface. Now for some milestone goals: I am going to make my best effort to post at least once every other day. Its a reasonable request without bein overly daunting. My second goal is to create more of a community at this blog. Though I attempt to stimulate conversation in most posts, clearly my efforts have been in vain. I would really love to hear any ideas you might have for making Invisible Studio more discussion focused. Please let me know. My third and final goal is to improve my writing. This means spelling and grammer checking before posting and really focusing on making each sentence count.

Thanks again for visiting Invisible Studio. I hope you come back and help to make the blog as best as it can be.

And so was written posts one-hundred-and-one.

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